I’ve placed a several new online “video-like” games on my website. I think they provide good opportunities for English-Language development. For further information on how I use these games with English Language Learners, you can read this article.

The games are:

* Death In Rome, a BBC game that has you playing the role of an ancient Roman detective.

* The Roman Mysteries Game , which is actually a series of five games, again all taking place in ancient Rome.

I’ve placed the links to the above games (along with their “Walkthroughs”) on my website under Greece and Rome. In additional language practice, students will be able to learn a little history at the same time.

On a totally different note, I’ve also added the Several Journeys of Reemus, an online video game with no educational content at all, but an enjoyable opportunity for language development.

The link to that game and its walkthrough is on my website under Word and Video Games.