Instalyrics is a new site that shows you the lyrics to any song very, very quickly, along with a music video that goes along with it. The lay-out is very “clean” and it replaces Batlyrics as my favorite place for music videos and lyrics.
I’m adding it to:
The Best Places To Find Lyrics On The Web
The Best Websites For Learning About Bob Marley
The Best — And Easiest — Ways To Use YouTube If, Like Us, Only Teachers Have Access To It
I think you need to check software called MiniLyrics. It’s an add-on to your music player, such as Winamp, Media Player, or ITunes.
To get the lyrics, you have to be online and you have to install the software to your computer, though. Simply play your MP3, and once the lyrics are recognized, they are automatically downloaded to your computer, and they are still there even if you are offline.
Try to combine it with the software LRC Editor, and you can edit the lyrics as well! Sometimes I used it in my listening classes, where students have to fill the missing blanks together, and do the Karaoke together after the exercise. It’s so much fun!
And the best part of it, you can make your personal computer as your “Karaoke machine”: for me, nothing beats the joy of listening my favorite song and singing along while working on the computer 🙂
Hi Larry,
Yes, wonderful clean and fast interface and you’ll find anything here (I was even able to find an English teacher and singer from the 60’s who wrote and sung hist texts in the local dialect of the north of the Netherlands…) And yes, the site is lightning fast but….it isn’t offering:
-text editing
-embed for both text and video
-conversion to mp3
– email alerts for your favorite artist(s)
That’s a lot of fine material for teachers and students at one place/site I guess.
No, Batlyrics is still my number one. But, next to it I have InstaLyrics bookmarked to find the more obscure singer- songwriters.
Hi Larry, thank you for the review, we are going to add more features soon, stay tuned 🙂