'Thinking' photo (c) 2008, Wade M - license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Check out my four-part Education Week Teacher series on metacognition!

Helping students strengthen their understanding of metacognition — thinking about their thinking — is an important goal of my teaching. And I’ve written a lot about it. I thought it would be helpful to gather all of those posts in one “The Best…” list.

You might also be interested in The Best Movie/TV Scenes Demonstrating Metacognition – Help Me Find More and The Resources For Learning About The Value Of “Self-Explanation”

Here are My Best Posts On Metacognition:


How People Learn:Bridging Research and Practice is a new book from The National Academy Of Sciences and can be read for free online. It focuses on three teaching strategies — activating prior knowledge, focusing on big concept ideas and encouraging pattern recognition, and developing awareness of metacognition.

Do Students Know Enough Smart Learning Strategies? is an important post at MindShift that describes a recent Australian study. It highlights the importance of helping students develop metacognitive skills.

Metacognition and Student Learning is from The Chronicle on Higher Education.

Bringing Metacognition into the Classroom is by Lizzie Pinard.


The Importance Of Explaining “Why”

My top ten learner autonomy and metacognition resources is from Lizzie Pinard.

Coming up with explanations helps children develop cause-and-effect thinking skills is a report from Science Daily on a new study.

The role of metacognition in language learning is by Lizzie Pinard.

Helping language learners visualise their linguistic development: growing learning is by Lizzie Pinard.

Metacognition is from The Center For Teaching.

Promoting Student Metacognition is a very nice chart of questions students can ask themselves.

50 Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think is from Teach Thought.

Quote Of The Day: On Metacognition

The Role of Metacognition in Teaching Geoscience


Metacognition: Nurturing Self-Awareness in the Classroom is by Marilyn Price-Mitchell.

Hands-Off Teaching Cultivates Metacognition is from Edutopia.

Hands-Off Teaching Cultivates Metacognition is from Edutopia.

Fact Sheet: Metacognitive Processes

Metacognition: A Literature Review

New Studies Show, Unsurprisingly, That Stress Reduces Self-Control & Metacognition

Research Says / Help Students Train Their Inner Voice is good report by Bryan Goodwin and Heather Hein on research related to “self-questioning” and metacognition.

Metacognition, Learning Strategies And Student Autonomy is the title of my latest Teaching English – British Council post. It describes a four-step process I use with my English Language Learners to help them apply metacognition and learning strategies in order to develop more student autonomy.

Josie Mingay has a great multi-part series on metacognition in the classroom.


Skip to the halfway mark of this Smithsonian video:

Good Thinking! — That’s so Meta(cognitive)! from Smithsonian Science Ed Center on Vimeo.

Metacognition is from The Center For Teaching at Vanderbilt.

9 Questions to Improve Metacognition is from Inner Drive.

How to train reflection-in-action? is from Improve With Metacognition.

The Role of Metacognition in Learning and Achievement is from MindShift.

12 metacognition-modelling strategies for the foreign language classroom is from The Language Gym.

5 Strategies For Teaching Students To Use Metacognition is from Teach Thought.

Useful Student Self-Survey On Learning Strategies

Do You Pose Questions That Invite Metacognition? is from Learning Personalized.

Nice Article On Metacognition


Stanford Researchers Discover a Smarter Way to Prepare for Exams: Introducing MetaCognition, the Art of Thinking About Your Thinking is from Open Culture.

Don’t teach your students what to learn, teach them how to learn is from English For Asia.

This is a list of excellent suggestions on how to promote metacognition in students.

New Metacognition Study & How I’m Thinking Of Applying It In My Classes – Feedback Welcome!

The role of metacognition in the success of reading and writing tasks across cultures is from The British Council.

How Metacognition Boosts Learning is from Edutopia.

Getting started with Metacognition is from Cambridge International.

METACOGNITION ASSISTING REVISION is from The Research Schools Network.

Metacognition and self-regulation is from The Education Endowment Foundation.

The Education Endowment Foundation, the very highly-respected education research group in the UK, just published a report titled Metacognition and self-regulated learning. It’s very thorough and practical, and includes an easy-to-read graphic of it recommendations.

7 simple ways to encourage metacognition in the science classroom is from A Chemical Orthodoxy.

In the classroom: Metacognition explained is from SecEd.

Metacognition in action is from Huntington Science.


Ten Metacognitive Teaching Strategies is from the Centre for Innovation.

“Exam Wrappers” are metacognitive tools for students to reflect on how well they’ve prepared for…exams.  Here are some resources on them:

Wrapping up Metacognition: Pre- and Post-Exam Interventions is from Improve With Metacognition.

Exam Wrappers is from The Eberly Center.

Help Students to Learn from Returned Tests is from Duquesne University.

Exam Wrappers is from Stanford.

Study Strategies Beyond Memorization is from Edutopia.

The Center On Innovations and Learning has published a piece on Metacognitive Competency.

ASCD Express has an entire issue on metacognition.

Metacognition and self‑regulated learning is from Evidence For Learning.

Getting to Know Your Students: Using Self-Assessment in the Classroom to Foster Metacognition is from Improve With Metacognition.

Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning is from The Education Endowment Foundation.

3 Ways to Get Teens Thinking Metacognitively is from Edutopia.

Thinking about learning is from Dynamic Learning.

Metacognitive Talk Guides Students to Discuss Their Thought Processes is from Edutopia.



WHAT IS METACOGNITION? is from Inner Drive.

How Metacognition Can Improve Learning Outcomes is from Edutopia.


Tapping into the Metacognition of Mistakes is from Edutopia.

Feedback is welcome.

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