'Bully Advance Screening Hosted by First Lady Katie O'Malley' photo (c) 2012, Maryland GovPics - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Going After ‘The Roots’ of Bullying is the headline of one of my Education Week Teacher columns.

I know there are a ton of resources out there on bullying. I’m also skeptical about a lot of it being useful.

So I’m just going to start off list with two resources I think are good ones, and hope that readers will contribute a lot more.

Absolutely Everything Researchers Know About Bullying is from Rules For Engagement at Education Week.

Interesting New Study By Carol Dweck

Appealing To The Self-Interest Of Bullies is post I wrote.

I’m adding next infographic to the list. I’m displaying it in a couple of ways because I like it a lot and what it to be accessible, but the original formatting is a bit “funky”:
You can see a better version here.



Bullying Prevention Programs May Have Negative Impact: Study is from The Huffington Post.

Anti-Bullying Programs Could Be a Waste of Time is from TIME.

Bullying Is Bad, But Do We Know How To Stop It? is by Paul Bruno.

How do other countries tackle bullying? is from The Guardian


The Stanford Prison And Why The Miami Dolphins Weren’t Just “Boys Being Boys” is from Forbes.

If a 6’5, 312-pound Miami Dolphin can be bullied… is from The Washington Post.

It Takes a Village to Create a Bully is from The Pacific Standard.

I don’t think I’d use with students, but, as Greg Toppo said when he on Twitter, it seems like a “spot-on take on bullying.”

What’s New on StopBullying.gov: A Redesigned Training Center Plus 11 User Guides is from StopBullying.gov.

Using films to empower pupils to challenge bullying is from The Guardian.

How to teach … anti-bullying is from The Guardian.

How do other countries tackle bullying? is also from The Guardian.

Am I A Bully? is from The BBC.

Zero-Tolerance for Bullying Doesn’t Work, Experts Say is from NBC News.

Simply punishing students for bullying will not address the problem is from The Conversation.

Crackdowns on Bullies Can Backfire, National Academies Report Finds is from Ed Week.

Students with influence over peers reduce school bullying by 30 percent is from Phys.Org

Video & Transcript: Michelle Obama’s Speech To The Democratic Convention (Plus Writing Prompt!)

Gay-Straight Alliances Make Schools Safer, Study Finds is from U.S. News.

Why Punishment Won’t Stop a Bully is by Alfie Kohn.

4 Myths About School Bullying And The ‘Trump Effect’ is from NPR.

Understanding Bullying Behavior is from The American Educator.

Students with influence over peers reduce school bullying by 30 percent is from Eureka Alert.

Statistic Of The Day: School Bullying Reduced

Why does bullying cost California schools $276 million every year? is from The Sacramento Bee.

Preventing Bullying is a new interactive from the National Academy of Sciences.

You might also be interested in this new Teaching Tolerance article, Bullying and the Bottom Line.

Here’s an excerpt:


Learning How Bullying Happens In Order To Prevent It is from NPR.

Reduce Bullying by Cultivating Growth Mindsets is from Mindset Works.

“Wonder” Looks Like An Amazing Movie

What Kids Think About Bullying And Kindness In The Trump Era is from NPR.


Pete Buttigieg Tells 11-Year-Old Girl How To Stand Up To A Bully is from HuffPost.


Suggest away! I’m all ears….

No Bullying in Our School, 4-9 is from Web English.

Trump’s words, bullied kids, scarred schools is from The Washington Post.

Why Bullying Is Too Narrow a Lens for Addressing Conflict in Middle School is from Edutopia.

Eight Anti-Bullying Resources for Parents and Educators is from TechNotes.

What Students Are Saying About Bullying Today is from The NY Times Learning Network.