'Web 2.0 paljastaa' photo (c) 2011, Janne Ansaharju - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/

In yet another attempt to get at the enormous backlog I have of sites worth blogging about, I’ve recently begin a regular feature called “The Week In Web 2.0.” (you might also be interested in The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2014). I also sometimes include tech tools that might not exactly fit the definition of Web 2.0:

Parapara Animation is a cool new Mozilla tool. You can read more about it at Richard Byrne’s blog. I’m adding it to The Best Ways For Students To Create Online Animations.

Growing the List: 50 Digital Education Tools and Apps for Formative Assessment Success is from Teach Learn Grow.

Hykoo is a new mobile app for creating a version of visual and text “haiku.” It could have some potential as an app, or just an idea to apply with paper and pen.

Edgee is a new site that says it’s between a tweet and a blog post. You can read more about it at TechCrunch. I don’t know – I think it’s more like a limited Padlet. You can add photos and video, as well as annotate them. You can check a very limited one I made in five minutes. Here’s a video about it: