Earlier this year, I posted I Thought These Statistics Were Somewhat Interesting: How Do Visitors Find This Blog?

I thought some readers might find an up-to-date post interesting….

About 12,000 readers subscribe by either RSS Reader or daily email (these folks don’t have to visit the blog to access all the content found in posts), and another 3,000 subscribe to a monthly email newsletter.

In addition, this blog receives about 6,000 visitors each day.

Here is a breakdown on how these 6,000 find their way here:

Sixty percent come from just three sources:

25% come from Twitter

19% from Facebook

16% from Pinterest

Eleven percent come from four sources:

Edutopia (which often publishes excerpts from my books), Feedly (the RSS Reader) and Education Week (where I write a teacher advice column) are all tied at about 3% each.

Then comes Flipboard at about 2%

The rest come from a broad mix, including my British Council Teach English blog, Scoop.it, Michelle Henry’s great site, and Colorin Colorado.

It’s roughly similar to the results in my earlier post, except for a big drop-off from Google Plus.

I think the lesson from these stats is the same one I wrote about the last time: it pays to blog elsewhere and it’s important to share have a social media presence in multiple platforms to share posts. It’s not like the old days when you could blog and everyone read your posts either through an RSS Reader or through email.

Any other lessons you see that I’ve missed?