
Every year for the past 48 years, Phi Delta Kappa and Gallup have done a Poll On Education issues (you can see my posts from previous years here). This year’s poll results were just released, though I haven’t had time to thoroughly review them yet.

One finding that clearly stands-out is that respondents overwhelming feel that schools should not be closed (see The Best Posts & Articles On The Impact Of School Closures — Suggest More!).

Here are what seem to me to be the most thoughtful reflections on the survey by those who have had a chance to review it (I’ll add more as they come in):

Of course, you’ll want to start off by visiting the PDK site itself and, at least, review its summary.

Vast Majority of Americans Want Failing Schools Fixed, Not Closed, Poll Finds is from Education Week.

Four charts reveal what Americans think about the biggest education fights, including school closures and opt out is from New York Chalkbeat.

What’s the Purpose of Education? Public Doesn’t Agree on the Answer is from NEA Today.