The time for the second ELL/ESL/EFL Carnival has arrived!  A number of talented teachers (who are also bloggers) from all over the world have submitted posts that they felt (and I agreed) are particularly helpful and insightful about teaching and learning English as a Second Language.

The next ELL/ESL/EFL Carnival deadline will be January 31, 2008.  You can send a post to me using this submission form or emailing it directly to  I still think it would be great if other blogs would like to host future Carnivals — just let me know.

Technology In The Classroom:

Claudia Ceraso writes about how she’s having her students use the Internet more effectively through using “social bookmarking.” is her tool of choice, and she’s got a nice video explaining how to use it.

Susan Tsairi posts about using the great web application VoiceThread with her elementary school students — all seventy of them!   She’s also inviting other classes using VoiceThread to connect with her classes. 

Sabrina de Vita sent two excellent submissions.  One was a way for students to play the online game Guess-The-Google, but with a pro-active twist.  And then, as in Susan’s class, she shares what her students created in Guess-The-Google by using VoiceThread.

David Deubel, the founder of EFL Classroom 2.0, lets us know how students can learn English by playing “Fling The Teacher.” 

Seth Dickens shares step-by-step instructions on how to create some engaging online video lessons with his students.   It’s pretty creative, and I had certainly never heard of the idea before.

Social Action:

Christina Niven, who also has just about the best website around providing original resources to teach English Language Learners civics, posts about how students can be involved in getting Congress to make labor leader Cesar Chavez’s birthday a National Holiday.  Since my first involvement in community organizing was working on the United Farmworkers boycotts thirty years ago, I think Christina’s post is a great idea.

Classroom Lessons and Strategies:

Katie at the great TEFL Logue tells us about some “do’s and don’t’s” in helping English Language Learners understand verb tenses.

Jose Luis Cabello at the English Teaching Lab writes a thoughtful post about grammar.  In it, he includes the results of various research studies about the most effective ways for students to learn grammar.  He also includes a list of his favorite web links.

EFL Teaching Jobs:

Steve in Thailand Musings give advice on how to get an EFL teaching job in Thailand.  It probably has some good suggestions you can use to find a teaching job in any country…

Don’t forget the January 31st deadline for the next Carnival!