Here’s another in the series of The Best Ways To Create Online Content Easily & Quickly. The posts in this series now include links to over one hundred web applications that are free, don’t require registration, are accessible to English Language Learners, don’t require much ability to type, can be completed in minutes, and allow the content to be hosted on the site itself indefinitely.
All of these links can also be found on my website, particularly on my Examples of Student Work page.
You might also want to check out my other “The Best…” lists.
Here are the latest six additions to The Best Ways To Create Online Content Easily & Quickly:
CREATE A SUPERHERO: Hero Machine Version 2. lets you create your own Superhero. There are several versions on the site. Only two — HeroMachine Real Life Edition and HeroMachine Rock Star Edition — let you save your creation to a unique url address the site provides. You can then post the url on a blog or online journal.
DESIGN A BURPING BUNNY: What will these viral marketers think of next? You can design your own Bunny E-Burp and, using a text-to-speech and email feature, have the rabbit give voice to your message between burps.
COMPOSE & PERFORM RAP MUSIC: Here’s more strange viral marketing. Choose a character and compose and sing your own 60 second rap. You can then email it for posting on a blog or online journal.
CREATE A SPEECH BUBBLE FOR A PHOTO: Picbite is yet another site to easily grab an image off the Web and insert a speech bubble of your choosing. You’re then provided with the url address and embed code.
SEND A MESSAGE WITH VIRTUAL MAGNETS ON A VIRTUAL REFRIGERATOR: I just said it all with the “title.” You can do it with Fridge Mail.
SEND A VALENTINE: You can design and email a cute Valentine’s Day card at Send A Valentine. You know it’s never too late, or too early, to send one….
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