It’s time for another edition of my multi-part series on The Best Ways To Create Online Content Easily & Quickly. This series, of course, is part of the larger number of “The Best…” lists.

You can read more about the purpose of these twenty lists and the criteria I use to determine which sites make it onto them by reviewing previous ones.

Here are the latest additions:

COMPOSE AN ANIMAL MUSICAL: You can compose your own song of musical animals sounds at Nim’s Island Animal Jukebox, and then email it to a friend or teacher for posting on a website or blog.

MAKE A WORD CLOUD: Tag Crowd will let you create a “word cloud” visualizing the frequency of words on a document or website. You can read more at my previous post about the site.

WRITE A NEWS STORY WITH YOU AS THE STAR: You can use Name In The News to develop a personalized news story about you or someone else you know.

LEARN ABOUT BINARY CODE & COMPOSE DIGITAL MUSIC: It’s a lot easier than it sounds. Go to Digital Composer and post your composition on the Web.

CREATE YOUR OWN MANDALA: Make your own “kaleidoscope-like design” at Mandala-Maker and then post it on a blog or website.

SEND A CODED MESSAGE: With Cryptic Codes you can send a message to friend that they have to decode.

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