The crisis in Darfur does not appear to be getting any closer to resolution. Even though an educational post on it will have absolutely no effect on the genocide happening there (I sort of feel like a person calling into a radio talk show who feels like they might be accomplishing something by ranting on the radio), I thought bringing together some of the resources together in a “The Best….” might be useful to someone.
Here are my picks for The Best Web Resources on Darfur (accessible to English Language Learners):
The Washington Post has a very engaging interactive (that’s also accessible to Intermediate English Language Learners) called Sudan In Crisis: The Darfur Tragedy.
There is a surprisingly accessible interactive from the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations called Crisis Guide: Darfur. The first chapter is particularly good for English Language Learners since it has captions for the audio.
There is the relatively well-known “serious” game called Darfur Is Dying. You “play” a refugee foraging for water and trying to avoid being killed.
Crisis In Darfur Expands is an online mutimedia presentation from the Washington Post. The audio might, or might not, be accessible to English Language Learners, but the video and panoramic images certainly are.
Sudan: Crisis In Darfur is an audio slideshow from The Guardian newspaper in Great Britain.
The CBBC Newsround has a report on Darfur that is very accessible, but a little dated.
BBC Learning English has a good accessible article with audio support for the text.
The Suffering of Sudan from Channel One gives a very accessible explanation of the conflict, though it is almost four years old.
Darfur: Rebellion From The Margins is a recently-produced audio slideshow from Slate that wants “to show another side of Darfur—where people are fighting back and refusing to leave the homes that form the basis of their livelihoods.”
The BBC has up-to-date resources on what’s happening in Darfur, though they are probably only accessible to high Intermediate English Language Learners. However, it does provide excellent material that could be modified by a classroom teacher.
Eyes on Darfur, a group trying to encourage international action, has a photo gallery and a site where you can view satellite images of the destruction.
The United States State Department has a good, short, and — most importantly for English Language Learners — closed-captioned video on its site called Americans Condemn Darfur Genocide. It highlights a Barack Obama speech condemning what’s happening there.
Darfur: Teaching About The Issues is a free packet of downloadable resources for the classroom created by Oxfam. They look pretty good.
A New York Times slideshow called Fears of More Misery In Darfur is the newest addition to this list.
Between War and Peace is a new slideshow from The New York Times on Darfur.
Here’s a summary of the conflict from Reuters.
Additions to this list are welcome.
If you found this post useful, you might want to look at previous “The Best…” lists and also consider subscribing to this blog for free.
The joint effort by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and Google Earth incorporates many different resources into a mapping initiative of the Darfur crisis, from visuals of destroyed villages and IDP and refugee movement to photos, videos, and testimonies.
It’s very interactive and informative—a nice change of pace from reading report after report!
This was a project that my kids were involved with last year as a social action/Web 2.0 project:
Kevin Hodgson