TechCrunch just posted about a new site that is not open to the public yet, but looks very intriguing. It’s called WorldHistory.
Even though it’s not available yet, it has several demonstration screencasts that give you a sense of what it can do. Usually, I don’t post about sites that aren’t up-and-running yet, but I thought these demos were worth a look. It seems like this might be an accessible tool for English Language Learners.
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I just previewed the demo site for the TechCrunch WorldHistory site. Wow! I can hardly wait until this is up and running. The inclusion of images is so important for kids. (I love other parts of it, too!)
One example that I like to use to demonstrate to my pre-service teachers the importance of images in the classroom is to say the word “revolution” without any explanation. When we share our immediate ideas about that word, they are amazed that their peers have such a variety of first impressions, especially if some of them are not from the US. That really gets them thinking about class discussions and how mere words, either in text or verbal, can be so misleading and confusing to others. They are converts to the “visual brigade” quite quickly!