I thought I’d make a “The Best…” list sharing my personal picks for the best posts that have appeared here during this year.
I’ve divided them into two sections — the first for “The Best…” lists and the second for other posts. I’ve also ranked them with the top posts last.
I based the rankings on which ones I felt were the most useful to readers and to me. Next week I’ll be sharing a list of which posts were the most “popular” — which ones were clicked-on the most.
First, here are my picks for the most useful “The Best…” lists:
10. The Best Websites For Learning About Civic Participation & Citizenship
9. The Best Websites For Intermediate Readers
8. The Best Sites To Practice Speaking English
7. The Best Websites For Students Exploring Jobs and Careers
6. The Best Websites For Beginning Older Readers
5. The Best Resource Sites For ESL/EFL Teachers
4. The Best Sites For Learning Economics & Practical Money Skills
2. The Best Websites To Help Beginning Readers
1. The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education — 2008
Here are my choices for the most useful posts that were not “The Best…” lists:
10. What Are You Doing In That Computer Lab?
9. TechLearning Article on ESL and Video Games
8. Mingoville
7. A Good Question For Classroom Management
5. Communicating With Students
4. “The Best…” Lists Reorganized
2. Incredible Website Launches Today!
1. When A “Good” Class Goes “Bad” (And Back To “Good” Again!)
You can find all “The Best…” lists categorized here.
Each month I pick what I believe to be the Top Ten most useful posts, and you can find all of them at Websites Of The Month.
WOW!! Larry, that’s, indeed, a wonderful list of almost everything! Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.
Wishing you all the best & a Wonderful 2009!