I ranked what I thought were the thirty-one Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education — 2008.
I also invited readers to vote and see if they agreed with me. Here are the results (you can read descriptions of each web tool by going to my list):
1. Synthasite
2. Moblyng
3. Nile Guide
4. Flowgram
5. Book Goo
6. Graspr
7. Jog The Web
8. Posterous
9. Tikatok, Awesome Highlighter, and My Jugaad (three-way tie)
10. Edublogs.TV, Digital Vaults, Quikmaps, Tokbox (four-way tie)
Hi Larry,
Thanks so much for featuring NileGuide in your list of best web 2.0 applications! Is it possible to change the link provided for us to http://www.nileguide.com please? The link currently listed is out of date.
Hi, Larry. We’re honored for Graspr to be voted as one of 2008’s Best Web 2.0 Applications for Education. Thank you! Thanks also for continuing to make a difference in our nation’s schools and our kids’ lives by promoting technology education.
Teresa Phillips
Founder & CEO, Graspr