is a new blogging service (actually, a micro-blogging service since each post has to be short) that holds some appeal for English Language Learners.
Instead of starting from scratch for each post, users just have to fill-in the blanks (I’m working on _________; I’m feeling __________).
Of course, a teacher can just give these types of sentence starters, and a lot better ones, to students to use on a much better blogging platform (like the ones you’ll find on The Best Places Where Students Can Write Online).
I just thought it was an interesting tool that might be a bit interesting to ELL teachers.
Hi Larry, I’m the developer of I’m intrigued by the idea of using it as a tool for ESL/ELL. I didn’t have that application in mind, but one thing I did have in mind is the use of “txt-spk” by native English speakers on existing microblogging services. I wanted a tool that would allow quick status updates without sacrificing readability as English sentences.
I’d welcome any and all suggestions on improving It’s basically still in the proof of concept stage, though quite usable as a new kind of microblogging service. I have some ideas but don’t have any kind of funding, it’s still a personal project at this stage.