Some exceptionally accessible resources related to yesterday’s earthquake in Haiti are now being developed — beyond just slideshows of the devastation. Here are the newest additions to The Best Sites To Learn About The Earthquake In Haiti:
CNN has an excellent interactive giving basic information and history on Haiti.
MSNBC has an interactive timeline showing Haiti’s history.
The Associated Press has developed an interactive giving background on Haiti.
Shaking Latin America is an interactive from the Wall Street Journal showing the history of quakes in the region.
Haiti Rocked is an interactive map showing damage and is from the Wall Street Journal.
A Closer Look At The Destruction in Haiti is an interactive from the New York Times.
Haiti Earthquake is a video from The New York Times.
Thousands Feared Dead In Haiti is an extensive slideshow from The Wall Street Journal.
Thanks for posting these great links and information. Just wanted to let you know of a website I created to let potential donors know of the NGOs on the ground doing work right now. Please post if you can:
Thanks so much!