Crocodoc is a new application that lets you upload any document –Word, PowerPoint or PDF — from your computer or the Web, and then it can be “marked-up” with a virtual highlighter or sticky notes. No registration is necessary. You’re given a unique url for the document, and then the people you share it with can annotate it.
It’s a very simple service to use. I’ve emailed them asking when and if they will allow webpages themselves to be used — that would really be useful.
I’m adding it to Best Applications For Annotating Websites even though it’s a little different.
However, for my work in the classroom, for right now it fits another important need. was a great app that allowed for the uploading of any document, and it then turned it into a webpage. It was great for students — they could use software, like WORD, that they were familiar with, write, copy and paste photos, etc, and then upload it for sharing. Last year they did a great job creating educational resources they could share with their families about the swine flu — both via the Web and with hard copies.
Unfortunately, seems to have gone under. I haven’t been able to use it for awhile.
Even though Crocodoc also allows for virtual mark-ups, I also think it can be used in the same way I used with students. In fact, we may use it today for posters they’re making encouraging people to complete U.S. Census forms (see Persuasive Essays, Low-Income Communities & The Census Count).
Thanks to TechCrunch for the tip.
Thanks for the link. To get around being unable to annote websites, I just type copy and paste the URL I want to annote into You can download a pdf of that particular page, and then upload it to crocodoc. I’m going to use this with my current events/business English class. Thanks again for always interesting links.