Every month I make a short list highlighting my choices of the best resources I shared through (and learned from) Twitter, but didn’t necessarily include them in posts here on my blog. Now and then, in order to make it a bit easier for me, I may try to break it up into mid-month and end-of-month lists.
I’ve already shared in earlier posts several new resources I found on Twitter — and where I gave credit to those from whom I learned about them. Those are not included again in this post.
If you don’t use Twitter, you can also check-out all of my “tweets” on Twitter profile page or subscribe to their RSS feed.
Here are my picks for June’s Best Tweets — Part Two (not listed in any order):
8 Wonders of the Solar System, Made Interactive
Death by Gadget, NY Times
Wake up and pass the DREAM immigration reform act, LA Times editorial
What We Can Learn From Finland, by Linda Darling-Hammond
Three Groups Apply for Race to Top Test Grants, Ed Week
Into The Catacombs, neat Wall St. Jrnl slideshow
Computer Program Detects Depression in Bloggers’ Texts
Interesting Escalators is surprisingly interesting video, text, photo review of unusual escalators
New Nicaraguan sign language shows how language affects thought
Deciphering the Cause of Human Motivation, NY Times
“A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods”
You might also be interested in seeing a list of favorite tweets at Shelly Terrell’s blog.
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