Thanks to Shelly Terrell and to The Bits and Pieces Place, I have just learned about an exceptional place to learn how to use Web 2.0 tools.
It’s called Connect, Collaborate, Create was created by Pip Cleaves, and has step-by-step instructions on how to use some of the best Web 2.0 tools out there for educational use. You really need to visit it.
If at some point you are prompted to log-in, all you have to do is click “Login as Guest.”
I’m adding the site to The Best Places To Learn Web 2.0 Basics.
Hi Larry
Thanks for blogging about the great work that Pip has led with a small team here in Newcastle Australia to provide web 2.0 resource links.
Your readers may also be interested in seeing the ‘Connect, Collaborate, Create’ approach we have take to scaffolding and supporting teachers who want to ‘have a go’ at more effectively embedding ICT into what they do as teachers. Check our the entrance page at and you’ll find lots of our COWs (Collaborative Online Workspaces) and a link to the Moodle Sandbox which also enables you to ‘Login as Guest’ in most places.
Roger Pryor