The New American Horizons Foundation has created The Adult ESL Training Video Project. They’re creating a series of training videos, Teaching ESL to Adults: Classroom Approaches in Action. Two of the videos are now available to watch for free online.
I’m adding this resource to The Best Online Videos Showing ESL/EFL Teachers In The Classroom.
Loved these first two videos, thank you for providing a link to them! They were very helpful to me as a relatively new, mostly self-taught teacher of adult beginners. I would love to be pointed to any blogs or websites of teachers of adults, as I’m having trouble finding much which is specifically about being a teacher of adult ESL learners. I know many materials can be used with both adults and children, and do know of many links for materials and lesson plans, but would love to read the experiences of other teachers.
Any favorite blogs specifically about teaching adults?
I just discovered that you noted the availability of the first two videos of the teacher training series, “Teaching ESL to Adults: Classroom Approaches in Action,” back in August 2010. I’m with the organization that produced the series, the New American Horizons Foundation, and I want to let you know that we now have ten videos available for free online, and eight of them on three DVDs for a minimal cost. The website is There is also a brief video introducing the series on YouTube:
We are eager to spread the word, so please pass on the good news!