
With Hurricane Earl approaching the United States and this past weekend being the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, I thought it would be a good time to start creating another “The Best…” list.

In addition to the resources on this list, many more can be found at A Compilation Of “The Best…” Lists About Natural Disasters, especially many Katrina resources in The Best Websites For Teaching & Learning About New Orleans.

Here are my choices for The Best Sites For Learning About Hurricanes (and are accessible to English Language Learners):

Teaching and Learning About Hurricanes is from The New York Times Learning Network.

How Hurricanes Work comes from How Stuff Works.

“Your Hurricane Emergency Kit: Here’s What Should Be in It” comes from TIME Magazine.

Hurricane Safety In Simple English

Storm Season! How, When & Where Hurricanes Come From is an infographic.


Hurricanes of Yore: Vintage Newsreels of Devastating Storms is from The Atlantic.

Hurricanes by the Numbers


Al Gore and ‘Category 6 hurricanes’ is from The Washington Post.


The Best Resources For Learning About Typhoon Haiyan

The Anatomy of a Hurricane

A Beginning List Of The Best Resources For Learning About Hurricane Patricia (& Hurricanes In General)

A map of the most powerful hurricanes in the US since 1950 is from Vox.

Category 5: How Meteorologists Classify Hurricanes is from The NY Times.

These 3 Hurricane Misconceptions Can Be Dangerous. Scientists Want to Clear Them Up. is from The NY Times.


Those Hurricane Maps Don’t Mean What You Think They Mean is a NY Times interactive.

Earth’s Biggest Storms: Tropical Cyclones is an interactive.


Forces of Nature is a National Geographic site with tons of resources on tornados, hurricanes, volcanoes and earthquakes.


The 5 hurricane categories, explained is from The Washington Post.

Additional suggestions are welcome.

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