A picture is worth a thousand thoughts: inquiry with Bloom’s taxonomy is the title of a very useful resource from Learn NC. It shows a photo, along with the original Bloom’s Taxonomy pyramid. By clicking on each thinking level, you are shown questions about the photo reflecting the level.
It’s a very simple and visual way to teach Bloom’s Taxonomy, and can easily be replicated as a student assignment in any classroom.
I like this interactive A LOT.
I’m adding it both to The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom and to The Best Ways To Use Photos In Lessons.
Thanks to One Stop Learning for the tip.
This resource at Learn NC was great. Unfortunately, the link no longer works, but I found a similar set of questions here: https://primarysourcenexus.org/2013/08/analyzing-primary-sources-blooms-taxonomy-image-writing-prompts/
Thank you!