I’m certainly open to hearing other people’s suggestions, so feel free to add them in the comments section of this post.
Here are my choices for The Best YouTube Channels For Learning English:
Voice Of America Learning English
Learn British Kids is the British Council’s YouTube Channel.
These next two sites aren’t exactly YouTube Channels, but they’re good video collections:
English Central is not a YouTube channel, but its huge selection of videos and its interactivity leads me to include it on this “The Best…” list and on many others.
Gogo’s Adventure with English is not quite a “channel,” but I’m still including it here.
Fluency MC has great songs.
EnglishClass101.com looks like a helpful YouTube channel for English Language Learners. I especially like its “Learn American Holidays” playlist. Here’s an example:
Tube Wizard is an intriguing site that automatically creates multiple listening quizzes from subtitled YouTube videos. I don’t think it will be useful in many U.S. public schools because Web content filters would block many of the videos, but it could be very helpful for home practice and in adult schools. You might also want to read a post by Olya Sergeeva which explains the site in more detail.
Listening decoding with YouTube and TubeQuizard – a quick guide is from ELT Geek.
If you found this post useful, you might want to consider subscribing to this blog for free.
You might also want to explore the over 600 other “The Best…” lists I’ve compiled.
Hello Larry;
I was wondering how you (and your school board) deal with the issue of Youtube’s copyright/terms of use statement.
We’re new to the game, but we hope to someday make Larry’s Best of YouTube list.
We produce a video podcast designed to help learners of English at secondary or tertiary level to master the Academic Word List.
Our YouTube channel is at: http://www.youtube.com/user/awlimportantwords?feature=mhee
Hi Larry,
Just posted a link to this on the TeachingEnglish facebook page if you’d like to check for comments.
Please feel free to post there when you have anything you’d like to share.
Thanks, Ann!
Larry hi!Thank you for the shared list! As usual, it is an amazing collection.And as usual, I gave a link on it at http://www.twitter.com/4qlearning
I’m Tung from Vietnam.
Thks for the list, teacher.
This is exactly what i need. It’s very helpful.
If you have an interactive whiteboard in your classroom, I recommend this one:
Hi Guys, great thread. I just stumbled upon it (sorry for my tardiness). We’ve got some great video resources for adults learning English. Please feel free to use with your students:
Hi Larry,
This is a cool page! I have just uploaded a few videos for English students. I will be uploading more in the next few weeks or so. Let me know your thoughts.
Sorry about my British accent!
All the best,
Great post on free videos – thanks Larry! I have just compiled a similar list which overlaps a little with yours but has some newer additions. Check it out: http://onlineteachersuk.com/en/english-lessons-youtube/. I’m trying to encourage my own students to engage more with e-learning through mediums such as video. I heard that now about 50% of all internet traffic is streamed video, which means there is a noticeable shift away from reading info to watching it instead. This means that presenting lessons in video format may be crucial if we want to keep learners interested and engaged with English. When students say English is “boring”, they obviously haven’t been online recently! There’s a lot of great material out there if you know where to look.