I have a huge backlog of resources that I’ve been planning to post about in this blog but, just because of time constraints, have not gotten around to doing. Instead of letting that backlog grow bigger, I regularly grab a few and list them here with a minimal description. It forces me to look through these older links, and help me organize them for my own use. I hope others will find them helpful, too. These are resources that I didn’t include in my “Best Tweets” feature because I had planned to post about them, or because I didn’t even get around to sending a tweet sharing them.
Here are This Week’s “Links I Should Have Posted About, But Didn’t”:
Top 10 Most Influential Protests is a TIME Magazine slideshow. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Learning About Protests In History.
3-2-1 Kapow! is a Newsweek slideshow explaining how fireworks work. I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Learning About The Fourth Of July.
Top 5 myths about July 4 is from The Washington Post, and I’m adding it to that “The Best…” list, too.
Teaching Ideas is a site in the United Kingdom that offers a ton of free printables, among other things. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Free ESL/EFL Hand-Outs & Worksheets.
Horn of Africa drought: interactive map comes from The Guardian.
Traveling through post-9/11 America is an interactive from The Associated Press. I’m adding it to The Best Sites To Help Teach About 9/11.
Here’s an interactive matching exercise on writing a Problem/Solution essay. I’m adding it to The Best Online Interactive Exercises For Writing That Are Not Related To Literary Analysis.
Down to the Sea Again, Impersonating Writers is a New York Times article about a fun game to play with books.
ASCD has quite a few research resources on teaching English Language Learners. I’m adding it to The Best Ways To Keep-Up With Current ELL/ESL/EFL News & Research.
Here are some other regular features I post in this blog:
“The Best…” series (which now number 700)
The most popular posts on this blog each month
My monthly choices for the best posts on this blog each month
Each month I do an “Interview Of The Month” with a leader in education
Periodically, I post “A Look Back” highlighting older posts that I think are particularly useful
Resources that share various “most popular” lists useful to teachers
Interviews with ESL/EFL teachers in “hot spots” around the world.
Articles I’ve written for other publications.
Regular “round-ups” of good posts and articles about school reform
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