Eva Buyuksimkesyan will be hosting the next ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival on September 1st, . The theme for that Carnival will be “Warmers, Fillers and First Week Activities.” Great timing!

You can contribute a post to it by using this easy submission form. If the form does not work for some reason, you can send the link to me via my Contact Form. You can also communicate directly with Eva.

Shelly Terrell posted The Young Learners Edition (23rd) of the ESL/EFL/ELL Carnival and, of course, she did an excellent job. You definitely want to take a look at it.

The November 1st edition will be hosted by Berni Wall. Let me know if you might be interested in hosting future editions.

You can see all the previous editions of the ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival here.