Here are the newest additions to The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures:
Rare Early Photographs of Musicians Around the World is from Brain Pickings. The post has links to even more great photos.
Breaking Bread Everywhere, Plentifully or Pitifully is a slideshow from The New York Times.
One Day On Earth is the amazing project where people all over the world made videos of what they did on the same day. Here’s a trailer to the movie but, more importantly, here is a link to the map where you can pick a video from just about anyplace in the world and watch it.
One Day on Earth – Motion Picture Trailer from One Day On Earth on Vimeo.
These culture sites will provide some useful conversation points and homework for some of my older students. With my eldest group we are having a culture month and they need to research and do a presentation (all in English) for their chosen culture. Thanks for the links!