I’d like to prepare a “The Best…” list for beginning iPad users — educator and non-educator alike.
What are your suggestions for apps and guides for newbies? I will, of course, credit you for suggestions in the post I write.
I’d like to prepare a “The Best…” list for beginning iPad users — educator and non-educator alike.
What are your suggestions for apps and guides for newbies? I will, of course, credit you for suggestions in the post I write.
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Here’s a starter for 15. 15 links from my Diigo I have tagged “iPad + Guide” http://www.diigo.com/user/moodlemckean/iPad%20guide lots of helpful tips, tricks and Apps.
Thanks, Paul!
I’ve just created a helpsheet from the blog entry at: http://ipadinsight.com/ipad-tips-tricks/ipad-tips-getting-started-with-the-ipad I thought it was an excellent introduction to using the iPad. I’ve also compiled a large list of apps that we use in our school if that would be useful. Email me if so…
Evernote and Dropbox; Facebook and Twitter; iMovie
I have gathered together some links apps etc on my wiki too which you are more than welcome to peruse:
I am a beginner myself, but have been enjoying iBooks, Animoto Video Slideshows, flex:player and TeacherPal.
I am such a newbie and the apps that have excited me so far are 1. iSpeech Translator, which will convert spoken words to text and then translate, sometimes with spoken words at the other end too. Not perfect, but may be useful in a multi-language classroom and 2. a PDF annotating tool such as GoodNotes or UPad, which obviously can be used to highlight and make margin notes but can also be used on blank “paper” to scribble quick ideas or diagrams. UPad has more features, but GoodNotes has a simple, clean interface and easy access to Dropbox.
PS: as a beginner, glad to see the other suggestions here!
Don’t be afraid to put your new iPad through its paces. Consider all of the tasks you perform, media you consume, with other tech gadgets (phone, ereader, laptop/desktop, even tv, etc.) and try them on the iPad. And explore the wide variety of apps. I gathered a list of educator-recommended apps at a recent conference – the productivity apps are particularly helpful. http://www.onlinecollege.org/2011/11/18/evaluating-the-ipad-in-higher-education/
Here’s what I use for productivity: GoodReader, NoteTaker HD, SimpleNote, mSecure, iA Writer, iThoughts HD, Keynote, Dropbox, and ignition. Good luck!
App Start is a great little app that walks newbies through the best apps in many different catagories. App Tracker is another good one that tracks the best FREE apps by catagory as well. Looking forward to seeing your post as I am also collecting info for beginning users. Have fun!
I use AppMiner (paid apps for Free) to search for apps for our teachers.