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Check out my Education Week Teacher series on advice for new teachers

And here’s a second series on problems facing new teachers I did for Ed Week

Some great additional links have been in the comments section, so be sure to check them out, too!

This is just a start for a “The Best…” list with advice for new teachers. I’m hoping readers will contribute a lot more resources.

Here are my choices for where you can get The Best Advice For New Teachers:

Ten Alternative Tips for New Teachers is from Nancy Flanagan at Education Week.

22 of MiddleWeb’s Best New Teacher Resources

Twenty Tidbits for New Teachers is by Lisa Dabbs at Edutopia.

Before Thanksgiving Comes The “Disillusionment Phase” For New Teachers

A Skeptic’s Guide to Loving Surviving Teaching in Tough Times

Politics Aside–For New Teachers, It’s Still November
is by Roxanna Elden. It provides advice on how experienced teachers and administrators can best support new teachers.

New Teacher 911 comes from Middleweb.

Five Tips for New Teachers to Become Connected Educators is from Edutopia.

Eighty-Six Things I Learned at P.S. 86 is a great guest post by Hallie Fox over at Larry Cuban’s blog. Here are the first eleven:

Be the first class down at fire drills
Take the stairs not the elevator; it does get stuck and your kids will have no teacher
Know Maria (payroll)
Avoid Dunkin Donuts
Speak powerfully – yell only when it really counts
Don’t make promises you can’t keep
Keep your lab-top over the summer (getting it back the first few weeks is a loose term)
Have Jerry’s Number programmed (IT)
Make Normal Fuentes (or another 30 year veteran) your best friend
Ask for help from people you trust; don’t always take their advice
Know the janitors

The First-Year Teaching Roller Coaster is by David Ginsburg.

New Teacher Survival Guide is a series of videos from The Teaching Channel.

10 commandments for new teachers is from The Guardian.

33 Signs You’re A New Teacher is a pretty funny, sometimes cynical, and often wise list from BuzzFeed.

Your first year teaching, in one chart is from The Washington Post.

A Survival Guide for New Teachers is from Ed Week.

The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Teaching Job in the Middle of the School Year is by Jennifer Gonzalez.

9 Mistakes New Teachers Make is from Ed Week.

Job Interview Advice for Teachers

Excellent New Free Resource For New Teachers

What Teachers Wish They ‘had Been Told’ is the last post in my three-part Education Week Teacher series.

Allison Marchetti, Rebekah O’Dell, Kathy Levy, Matthew R. Morris, Stuart O. Yager, Rita Platt and Larnette Snow finish off a three-part series on what teachers know now that they wish they knew then…


What New Teachers Really Need to Know About Classroom Management is from ASCD.

If You Are a New Teacher, You Should Read This is from Medium.

120 Tips for New Teachers is from Edutopia.

New Teachers, Don’t Fall for These 3 Pieces of Bad Advice appeared in Edutopia.

As I mentioned earlier, I hope you’ll recommend more!

If you found this post useful, you might want to consider subscribing to this blog for free.

You might also want to explore the 900 other “The Best…” lists I’ve compiled.