I did my self-control lesson two weeks ago (a summary is here and the complete lesson is in my book).
On Friday, I showed impatience with one of my students. Another student then called me over and said, in a respectful tone, “Don’t eat the marshmallow, Mr. Ferlazzo.”
I thanked him, and then went over to apologize to the student with whom I had been short.
It’s always a positive sign when students feel that they can critique the teacher….
I once told my students about a study in which it was shown that parole board members who had just eaten a meal were more likely to grant parole. Since then, my students have been known to offer me snacks when they know I am grading something important, or they write “Mrs. Lahey, have a snack!” on the top of their papers.
A little knowledge…
That’s a great story! You should write a blog post about it.