Three strikes, yer out!
The Institute Of Education Sciences has announced that out of three approved studies of a New York performance pay program, one showed across the board negative effects on student achievement; another showed negative effects in some areas and no effect in others; and a third one showed no effect at all (thanks to Morgan Polikoff).
The first study was conducted by Roland Fryer, who has turned into Captain Ahab going after the Moby Dick of using pay to increase student achievement.
I’m adding this info to The Best Resources For Learning Why Teacher Merit Pay Is A Bad Idea.
It would have been cheaper to hand out copies of Daniel Pink’s Drive, and have people read your blog, Larry. I hope this will influence some thinking at local and state levels. No faith in the U.S. Ed. Dept., or Arne Duncan. I watched at a conference where he was bold enough to take questions, and someone asked why he supports performance pay when there’s no evidence it works and so much evidence that it fails. He was totally unphased and said what he wanted to say anyways about encouraging great teachers and teachers should make $150K. He’s teflon.
It does boggle the mind….
the link doesn’t work b/c of govt. shutdown; is there a press release or cached copy you can share?
Sorry, I should have thought of that last night when I posted it prior to the shutdown. I think we just have to wait until they’re open again…