I’ve started a somewhat regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention:
Writing bingo is a very creative lesson plan from Sandy Millin. I’m adding it to The Best Websites For K-12 Writing Instruction/Reinforcement.
Ana Maria Menezes blogs about the mini “sister class” project my students are doing with hers in Brazil.
DOE Didn’t Put Out Translated Common Core Materials Until Month of Test is an article about problems affecting English Language Learners in New York City when it came time for standardized tests.
Video Captions Improve Comprehension is a report on a study that will be of interest to many ELL teachers who use video in their classes.
The Power Of Post-it Notes shares some good teaching ideas. It’s from Larissa’s Languages.
The British Council has a video collection of ESL teachers in the classroom. I’m adding it to The Best Online Videos Showing ESL/EFL Teachers In The Classroom.
Chain Stories is from Nesrin Eren’s blog. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Collaborative Storytelling.
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