'Web 2.0 paljastaa' photo (c) 2011, Janne Ansaharju - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/

In yet another attempt to get at the enormous backlog I have of sites worth , I’ve recently begin a regular feature called “The Week In Web 2.0.” (you might also be interested in The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2013). I also sometimes include tech tools that might not exactly fit the definition of Web 2.0:

LearnClick, and online cloze-maker (fill-in-the-gap), has re-introduced limited free services. It’s worth checking-out.

Google+ has added a feature of showing the number of times you’re posts have been “viewed.” Go to your profile page and you can see it. I wouldn’t put much stock in it — I think it’s just their feeble effort to prove it’s not a “Ghost Town.” As you can see from the screenshot below, it says my posts have received nearly 4 million views, which is an insane number that has no relation to reality:


Yakit and Yakit Kids are iPhone and iPad apps that let’s “any photo talk.” I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Beginning iPad Users and to The Best Sites For Beginning iPhone Users Like Me.