I’ve started a somewhat regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention:
Teaching English Through Art:Reflection on a MOOC session is from Art Least. Thanks to Michelle Henry for the tip. I’m adding it to The Best Ways To Use Photos In Lessons.
Making reading communicative is a very good post from The British Council.
Is math a universal language or a foreign language for ELLs? is from MultiBriefs via Judie Haynes. I’m adding it to All My Math-Related “The Best…” Lists In One Place.
For some international students, ‘plagiarism’ is a foreign word is from Minnesota Public Radio. I’m adding it to The Best Online Resources To Teach About Plagiarism.
EL Reading Comprehension Strategy: Visualization is by Judie Haynes at TESOL.
English Learners and Project-Based Learning is from Ed Week. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Cooperative Learning Ideas.
Using First Language (L1) in the ELT Classroom is from Oxford University Press.
8 Major Trends in the Global ELT Field is from TESOL.
Charter sector launches marketing campaign to attract more English language learners is from Chalkbeat.
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