In light of what’s happening in Baltimore tonight, here are new additions to A Collection Of Useful Posts, Articles & Videos On Race & Racism – Help Me Find More:
as I watch images from Baltimore, my mind recalls this, from @nhannahjones' essay in March
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 27, 2015
This chart explains why black people fear being killed by the police is from Vox.
Native American Actors Walk Off Set of Adam Sandler Movie Over Racist Jokes is from NBC News.
Teachers more likely to label black students as troublemakers, Stanford research shows is from Stanford.
Students’ Race Affects How Teachers Judge Misbehavior, Study Says is from Ed Week.
Just How Racist Are Schoolteachers?
— Carl Hendrick (@C_Hendrick) April 18, 2015
This insanely detailed map proves race is a social construct is from Vox.
This is what made researchers call a paper on race and the death penalty “#BlackLivesDon’tMatter” is from Vox.
Should Schools Strive for Racial Diversity Among Teachers? Learning Network seeks student opinion @NYTimesLearning
— Motoko Rich (@motokorich) April 13, 2015
Tavis Smiley gave Jon Stewart the clearest “Black lives matter” explanation possible via @voxdotcom
— Cornelius Minor (@MisterMinor) April 10, 2015
How do you re-train your brain to interrupt implicit bias? Here are four strategies.
— Zaretta Hammond (@Ready4rigor) April 10, 2015
Why it’s finally catching on that "What about black-on-black crime?" doesn’t make sense
— Vox (@voxdotcom) April 9, 2015
5 images about being black in America
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) April 9, 2015
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