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There has been a lot of media about what has been called a “teacher shortage.” Here are some of the best articles I’ve seen about it:
Teacher Shortages Spur a Nationwide Hiring Scramble (Credentials Optional) is from The New York Times. Peter Greene has a related post that worth’s a read, too.
Teacher Shortage? Or Teacher Pipeline Problem? is from NPR.
The Hidden Costs Of Teacher Turnover is a report from NPR.
You might also be interested in a three-part series I published on this topic at Education Week Teacher last year.
Is There a Teacher Shortage? That Depends How You Frame It is from Ed Week.
Some Districts Battle Shortage of Teachers as School Begins is from ABC News. Thanks to Alexander Russo for the tip.
Bay Area school districts scramble amid teacher shortage http://t.co/6dDF2NjLsw
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) August 16, 2015
The Teacher Shortage, via @nytimes great commentary by @rweingarten http://t.co/Sp8UpaTVPr — Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) August 16, 2015
Two Views: Why Is There a Teacher Shortage? http://t.co/woi8IHQNtp via @dianeravitch — Amy Berard (@1amyberard) August 10, 2015
Quote Of The Day: Sacramento Bee Realizes “Teaching Bashing” Affects Shortage
Why so many teachers quit, and how to fix that is from The L.A. Times.
As Students Go Back to School, Shortage of Teachers Causes Concern is from NBC News.
The real reasons behind the U.S. teacher shortage is from The Washington Post.
Want to Reduce the Teacher Shortage? Treat Teachers Like Professionals is from NEA Today.
Teachers Wanted: Passion a Must, Patience Required, Pay Negligible is from The Atlantic.
America’s Teaching Force, by the Numbers is from The Atlantic.
CA State finds teacher shortage in more subject areas is from Ed Source.
Addressing California’s Emerging Teacher Shortage is a new report from the Learning Policy Institute.
Help wanted: California school districts scramble to hire teachers is a nice article by reporter Diana Lambert appearing in The Sacramento Bee. It features how our school supports student teachers (created by Jim Peterson and Ted Appel), and you can read more about it at the three-part series at my Education Week Teacher column on…how to support student teachers. If you go to the article’s link, you’ll also see a two-minute video the Bee asked me to do offering tips to new teachers, as well as seeing two photos of me, one of which was ridiculously outsized above the fold in today’s front page. It must have been a very slow news day…
Second Statistic Of The Day: Students Entering College Not Planning To Be Teachers
Creating Coherence in the Teacher Shortage Debate: What Policymakers Should Know and Do is from The American Institutes For Research.
How 37 States Are Handling Teacher Shortages is by Dan Meyer.
Frustration. Burnout. Attrition. It’s Time To Address The National Teacher Shortage is from NPR.
Solving the teacher shortage: Revisiting the lessons we’ve learned is by Barnett Berry and Patrick M. Shields.
School’s back in session, but many teachers aren’t returning is from CBS News.
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