Two years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention.
You might also be interested in The Best Resources, Articles & Blog Posts For Teachers Of ELLs In 2016 – So Far.
Here are this week’s choices:
Across the Border and Into School is from The Atlantic.
Former English learner spearheads new system for tracking students is from Ed Source.
Teaching Mixed Ability Classes is from Psychology For Educators (and More). I’m adding it to The Best Resources On Teaching Multilevel ESL/EFL Classes.
Bilinguals are more attractive, say 71% of Americans is from CNN. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning The Advantages To Being Bilingual.
App helps English Language learners build confidence is from The Hechinger Report.
Six things I do in every foreign language lesson I teach is from The Language Gym.
Los Angeles Unified Expands Dual-Language, Bilingual Programs is from Ed Week.
I’m adding this next tweet to The Best Resources Documenting The Effectiveness of Free Voluntary Reading:
Extensive #reading: Here’s another blog post in addition to my program development tips at
— Jeremy Slagoski (@jdslagoski) August 27, 2016
I think this is a great Facebook post from Teaching English-British Council, and hope they turn it into a lengthy series:
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