‘We Should Embrace Writing in Social Studies’ is the headline of my Education Week Teacher series on the topic.
As I mentioned two days ago, in addition to teaching high school during the day, I also teach an ESL Methods class to teacher credential candidates at California State University, Sacramento.
Next semester, I have also insanely agreed to teach a content literacy class to credential candidates at the University of California, Davis.
I’ve got a good handle on writing in Social Studies and English classes and, in preparation for the course, am reading up on writing in math and science classes. Two days ago, I published The Best Resources For Writing In Math Class. Yesterday, I posted The Best Resources For Writing In Science Class.
Even though, as I mentioned, I feel I’m pretty experienced in writing and Social Studies (since I teach both English and Social Studies classes), I thought it couldn’t hurt my credential students or me if I created a similar list for that subject.
You might also be interested in My Best Posts On Writing Instruction and The Best Resources For Using Primary Sources.
Here’s the beginning of a list on writing in social studies (I’ve also including some reading resources). Feel free to share your own suggestions:
Common Core: Teach Literacy in Every Subject is from Ed Week.
Writing Across the Curriculum – Social Studies
Strategies for Writing to Learn in Social Studies
Writing In The Social Studies Classroom
R.A.F.T. Prompts for History & Social Studies Class
Writing in Social Studies Classrooms
Creative Writing In Social Studies
Common Core Connection: Narrative Writing in the Social Studies Classroom
Teaching Reading In Social Studies
Integrating Social Studies into Literacy Routines is by Angela Watson
Reading Strategies for the Social Studies Class
High School Literacy Lessons in Social Studies comes from Thinkport.
Deliberate Practice is a post from Learning For Memory. It offers some useful suggestions for writing in social studies classes.
The DBQ Project provides Social Studies lessons and lets students create virtual classrooms. It looks pretty interesting, and I learned about it from Ken Halla.
You can find some good Social Studies argument prompts at these sites:
Think Cerca (scroll down to bottom)
Preparing to Write an Argumentative Essay from Facing History.
Utah Compose Social Studies/Cross-Curricular Prompts
Read Inquire Write looks like a great site to support writing in Social Studies classes.
MiddleWeb.com began the Future of History blog in 2012 and we’ve had some excellent middle level social studies teachers contribute nearly 80 articles to date. This link leads to the index for the blog: http://www.middleweb.com/category/futureofhistory/