It’s a good time to start thinking about 2017, and I thought readers might be interested in hearing what they can expect to see in this blog over the coming months:
* Katie Hull Sypnieski and I are writing our third book together on teaching English Language Learners. It’s going to be another long, and useful, one. Look for it in early 2018 and I’ll post updates during this calendar year.
* I’ll continue to write periodic posts for the New York Times Learning Network (see All My NY Times Posts For English Language Learners – Linked With Descriptions) and weekly ones for my Education Week Teacher advice column.
* I’ll continue to do weekly ten-minute radio shows with BAM! (see All My BAM Radio Shows – Linked With Descriptions).
* I’ll continue to write quarterly columns for Teaching English – British Council on…teaching ELLs.
* I’ll continue to periodically write about education policy issues at The Washington Post.
* I’ll continue to share resources at my Engaging Parents In School blog.
* I have a fairly lengthy article appearing in the March issue of ASCD Educational Leadership that will have a slightly different take on “personalized learning.” You can see my past pieces in that publication here.
* As regular readers know, in addition to teaching high school full-time, I teach a class to credential candidates at California State University, Sacramento. That course on teaching English Language Learners will continue next semester, and I hope to write more about the experience here. I’ll also be teaching a class for the first time on Content Literacy to teacher candidates at California State University, Davis.
* And I’ll continue to post resources/commentary here and write about my teaching English and Social Studies to English Language Learners, and about teaching my IB Theory of Knowledge classes.
All this, plus family and playing basketball, should keep me busy and out of trouble 🙂 in 2017!
When do you sleep? 1 a.m. to 4 a.m.?