Four years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention.

You might also be interested in The Best Resources, Articles & Blog Posts For Teachers Of ELLs In 2016 – Part Two

Here are this week’s choices:

Duolingo did a study of their users and came up with 3 habits of successful language learners. Their conclusions have some similarities and some differences with prior research, which you can find at The Best Videos Illustrating Qualities Of A Successful Language Learner.

Extensive Reading and Reading Proficiency – What the Evidence Says is from ELT Research Bites. I’m adding it to The Best Resources Documenting The Effectiveness of Free Voluntary Reading.

Making Learning Stick: Total Physical Response is by Valentina Gonzalez. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About Total Physical Response (TPR).

Most readers, I’m sure, are aware of recent actions by ICE that have created fear and stress among many of our immigrant students and their families.  You can find related helpful info at The Best Practical Resources For Helping Teachers, Students & Families Respond To Immigration Challenges.  If you’re not aware of several well-publicized ICE actions that I can guarantee your students know about, here are a few links:

Teachers, Parents Struggle To Comfort Children Of Color Fearful Of Targeted Raids is from NPR.

ICE isn’t just detaining “bad hombres.” They’re scooping up anyone in their path. is from Vox.

Deportation Arrest Highlights Tensions in Los Angeles on Immigration is from The New York Times.

Parents fearing deportation pick guardians for U.S. children is from Reuters.