Teacher Action Research an be a useful tool for educators and our students.
You might also be interested in The Best Resources For Understanding How To Interpret Education Research.
Here are a few resources to get started – please suggest more in the comments section:
Putting Teacher Action Research Into Action is the headline of my new post over at the British Council. In it, I describe three times when I applied teacher action research in my English Language Learner classes.
And I write about a fourth time here: Research in Action: Ramping Up Support for Long-Term ELLs
Guest Post: Teacher Action Research is a post written by my colleague Phillip Taylor.
Action Research – as easy as 1, 2, 3 is by David Petrie at the British Council.
What Is Action Research? is from ASCD.
What Teachers Need to Know About Action Research is by Wendi Pillars at Ed Week.
The What, Why and How of Classroom Action Research is a useful guide from a university in Indiana.
A handbook for exploratory action research is from The British Council.
Being A Mentor At Our School May Have Resulted In Improved Grades For The…Mentors
e2iCoach is from the Mathematica think tank. It’s an interactive guide to designing and evaluating research experiments. I’m thinking that it might be useful for teacher/action research projects.
Champion Teachers Mexico: Stories of Exploratory Action Research is from the British Council.
What A Great Opportunity To Do Teacher Action Research
Asking the Right Questions: Research in and for the Classroom is from TESOL.
How are teachers are responding to their own challenges? #ActionResearch contains 22 stories of classroom research conducted by teachers based in six countries in sub-Saharan Africa. https://t.co/LeY8gV39xZ pic.twitter.com/kUVz0GpueU
— British Council English (@BCouncilEnglish) August 21, 2023
What is Action Research in TEFL? is from The Barefoot TEFL Teacher.
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