Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues (You might also be interested in The Best Articles, Videos & Posts On Education Policy In 2016 – Part Two):
This is very weird: A Principal Is Accused of Being a Communist, Rattling a Brooklyn School is from The New York Times.
State board inscribes ‘California Way’ on state plan for new federal law is from Ed Source.
Three big problems with school ‘choice’ that supporters don’t like to talk about is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning Why School Vouchers Are A Bad Idea (& Other Commentaries On “Choice”).
Researchers find wide variations in understanding, implementing California’s school funding formula is from Ed Source.
Did KIPP game the U.S. News And World Report rankings? is by Gary Rubinstein.
The leadership of our local teachers union has just achieved a significant victory. Here are some articles about it:
Teachers at Calif. Charter Schools Chaired by Michelle Rhee Are Working to Unionize is from Ed Week.
Kevin Johnson’s charter schools have long angered unions. Now teachers there may join one. is from The Sacramento Bee.
Teachers union opens a front on former Sacramento mayor’s charter schools is from The L.A. Times.
Teachers seek to form union at California charter school chaired by Michelle Rhee is from The Washington Post.
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