Every year I publish a post encouraging people to participate in the Electronic Village Online, one of the best online professional development resources available to teachers of English Language Learners.
Martha Ramirez just let me know that they are soliciting proposals from ELL teacher who want to propose and lead one of these sessions.
The is a great opportunities for teachers to share the wealth of their experience with others!
I’m just going to reprint most of her email:
We are excited to invite proposals for another round of the Electronic Village Online (EVO). We would love to have inspiring educators present an online session in EVO 2018.
Since 2001, the Electronic Village Online (EVO) has functioned as a virtual extension of the Electronic Village (EV), a Special Interest group of TESOL’s CALL Interest Section, and provided free online professional development sessions for language teachers world-wide.
Proposals may be on any topic relevant to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. Proposals are due by September 24, 2017. A training session will be held for all moderators and co-moderators from October 22 to November 19, 2017. During this time moderating teams will create the online spaces for their session and finalize their syllabus with the assistance of the EVO Coordination Team. The actual five-week EVO sessions for this season will take place between January 14 and February 18, 2018.
To see what types of sessions were offered in the past, please go here.
Potential moderators will find instructions on how to create a page for their proposal here.
Please note this suggestion from EVO:
Individuals may propose a session, but we strongly recommend a team of several moderators for each session.
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