In yet another attempt to get at the enormous backlog I have of sites worth blogging about, I post a regular feature called “The Week In Web 2.0.” (you might also be interested in The 50 Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2017). I also sometimes include tech tools or articles about them that might not exactly fit the definition of Web 2.0:
If you register at Reading is Fundamental’s Literacy Central (it’s free and easy), go to the Tools section, and click on “Puzzle Creator,” you can make online…puzzles for students to play. All they have to do is click on the link of your finished product. You can make a WordSearch, a sort of crossword puzzle, and/or a “memory matching” game. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Making Crossword Puzzles & Hangman Games.
Twitter has now made it easier to create “Tweetstorms” or “threaded Tweets.” These are basically multi-part tweets communicating a wider message. If you use the Twitter app or website, you just click on the “+” sign. It’s still not available on Tweetdeck, however. You can read more about it at The Verge. I’m adding this info to The Best Resources For Beginning To Learn What Twitter Is All About.
I’ve previously written about Prisma, a free app that lets you turn your photos into manga. I thought it could be a very attractive tool for reluctant writers to use — they could create their own web comics. TechCrunch showed an example and NPR published an update on the app. Now, Google has developed its own version, an Android-only app called Storyboard. I think it could be used for similar writing purposes. Strangely enough, however, it’s not available at the time of this posting even if you click on the link Google shares in its own press announcement about it. I’m assuming they’ll fix that soon. You can also read more about it here.
PikWizard is a new site for finding many images that can be legally used for free. You can read more about it at Richard Byrne’s blog. It’s not as easy to use as the sites on The “All-Time” Best Sources Of Online Images, but it’s worth adding to The Best Online Sources For Images.
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