I’m adding these new resources to various “Best” lists. You can find links to all of those many lists that relate to race and racism at “Best” Lists Of The Week: Resources For Teaching & Learning About Race & Racism:
Secret use of census info helped send Japanese Americans to internment camps in WWII is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Articles Explaining Why It Would Be Terrible To Add An Immigration Status Question To The Census.
The ‘Belief Gap’ Prevents Teachers From Seeing the True Potential of Students of Color is by Lee-Ann Stephens. I’m adding it to New & Revised: Resources To Help Us Predominantly White Teachers To Reflect On How Race Influences Our Work.
Islandborn author Junot Diaz on representation in children’s books is from The Globe and Mail.
With Just One Black Teacher, Black Students More Likely to Graduate is from John Hopkins. I’m adding it to New & Revised: The Best Resources For Understanding Why We Need More Teachers Of Color.
TEACHING’S DIVERSITY PROBLEM is from Bostonia. I’m adding it to the same list.
Students can help transcribe “runaway ads” for a Cornell University project called Freedom On The Move.
Here’s how they describe it:
Throughout the 250-year history of slavery in North America, enslaved people tried to escape. Once newspapers were common, enslavers posted “runaway ads” to try to locate these fugitives. Such ads provide significant quantities of individual and collective information about the economic, demographic, social, and cultural history of slavery, but they have never been systematically collected. We are designing and beginning data collection for a database that will compile all North American slave runaway ads and make them available for statistical, geographical, textual, and other forms of analysis. Some elements of data collection will be crowdsourced, engendering a public sense of co-participation in the process of recording history, and producing a living pedagogical tool for instructors at all levels, in multiple disciplines.
Read more about it at A Database of Fugitive Slave Ads Reveals Thousands of Untold Resistance Stories.
I’m adding this info to The Best Sites Where Students Can Transcribe Historical Texts.
Here’s a great clip of Jane Elliott:
— Kayla (@kaylawaterssss) April 7, 2018
I’m adding this next tweet to
1. This assemblage of works—the rare full text of speeches, essays by scholars, personal reflections—assembled by @fivefifths and @AdrienneNGreen is a wonderful tribute to Dr. King’s life on the 50th anniversary of his assassination: https://t.co/6tq3QvVRGf
— Yoni Appelbaum (@YAppelbaum) April 4, 2018
I’m adding these next two articles to The Best Resources For Teaching About Confederate Monuments:
First it was Confederate monuments. Now statues offensive to Native Americans are poised to topple across the U.S. is from The L.A. Times.
Denmark Gets First Public Statue of a Black Woman, a ‘Rebel Queen’ is from The NY Times.
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