'Web 2.0 paljastaa' photo (c) 2011, Janne Ansaharju - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/


In yet another attempt to get at the enormous backlog I have of sites worth blogging about, I post a regular feature called “The Week In Web 2.0.” (you might also be interested in The 50 Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2017). I also sometimes include tech tools or articles about them that might not exactly fit the definition of Web 2.0:

Wrish lets you create a webpage (that can remain editable or not) with text and images easily and without required registration. I’m adding it to A Few Simple Ways To Introduce Reluctant Colleagues To Technology. That’s part of a larger My Best Posts For Tech Novices (Plus A Few From Other People) list, which needs to be updated.

CC Hound and No Lick are new sites that offer music that can be used for free in presentations. I’m adding them to The Best Places To Get Royalty-Free Music & Sound Effects.

I’ve previously written about Storium, and it’s on The Best Sites For Collaborative Storytelling list. They now have a tool specifically for classrooms.

Branch is a new smartphone app that lets users create collaborative stories.