I’ve got several new projects coming up.
Here they are, in chronological order:
* I’ll have a presentation on “Supporting ELLs Through Differentiation, Motivation & Affirming Error Correction” at VirtuEL on June 23rd. This is a free day of online professional development for educators of ELLs. Learn more here. You can see my presentation, and everyone else’s, at last year’s event here.
* Katie Hull Sypnieski and I are doing a series of videos for Ed Week on differentiated instruction. Look for the first one in mid-summer.
* I’ll be writing my fourth book on student motivation over the next three months. It’s title is Building Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom: A Practical Guide. You can access free resources from the previous books here.
* The American Educator, the journal of the American Federation of Teachers, will be publishing a lengthy article by us on teaching ELLs. It will appear in its fall issue.
* I’ll be coordinating, as well as teaching a component, of an exciting pilot program we’re doing for Long-Term English Language Learners at our school next year. You can learn more about it here.
* Katie Hull Sypnieski and I will begin work on a second edition of our popular The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide.
And, of course, I’ll continue to be blogging here, writing my Ed Week Teacher advice column, and authoring pieces for The British Council and The New York Times Learning Network, not to mention hosting my BAM! Radio Show.
I’ve got a few other things in the hopper, though I’m not ready to share them publicly. I’ll keep readers posted….
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