Shana White shared a great reflection that I think all educators, especially those of us who are white, should be thinking about right about now:
I hope you are enjoying your break educators 😊
Here’s some things we (all educators) need to leave in 2018 (reply and add your items at the end):
1. Dancing or rapping in class and thinking that is culturally responsive.
— Shana V. White (@ShanaVWhite) December 28, 2018
2. White Ts using AAVE or the word Tribe. The latter is offensive and the first will often make you look silly.
3. Discussions on diversity and inclusion. Time for action (actual steps) to make your spaces/curriculum/conferences diverse and inclusive.
— Shana V. White (@ShanaVWhite) December 28, 2018
(By the way, AAVE stands for “African American Vernacular English”)
4. Toxic positivity. We are human and work with humans. Everything isn’t positive.
5. Saying our jobs are not political.
6. Not using your sick days.
7. Saying you are colorblind or don’t see color.
So what else would you like to add? Feel free reply below 😊
— Shana V. White (@ShanaVWhite) December 28, 2018
You can check out replies to her tweet on Twitter.
What would you add?
I’m adding this post to New & Revised: Resources To Help Us Predominantly White Teachers To Reflect On How Race Influences Our Work.
Hello Larry!
I really liked your blog. I’m a teacher trainer in Edtech in Brazil. Congratulations for your work.
Glad you find it helpful!
I definitely agree that not using sick days should stay in 2018…please, if you are sick…do us all a favor and use your days! If we can’t take care of ourselves, how can we take care of our (classroom) kids?
I will give up my dancing, never.
Thanks Larry – great post!