Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay
I previously shared a spoof Seth Meyers did about “WHITE SAVIOR: THE MOVIE TRAILER” (it’s also the second video clip embedded below).
Today, thanks to Venus Evans-Winters, I learned about a more serious examination of the issue that was published by Insider today.
That clip is titled “How White Savior Movies Hurt Hollywood,” and is the first video embedded below.
Though I haven’t yet used it in class, I’m still adding this post to the “Race and Media” section of New & Revised: The Best Resources I’ve Used In Lessons About Race & Racism.
Thank you, thank you, Larry, for sharing these videos.
I’ve long been disgusted at all the movies portraying white teachers as saviors of children of color when there are so many more educators of color who have so much greater impact on their students and never get recognition. I hope this perceptive post strikes a chord with your wide audience of readers.
Barbara Paciotti