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Malcolm X would have been 94 years-old today.
You might be interested in The Best Resources For Learning & Teaching About Malcolm X.
Brother Malcolm would have been 94 years-old today. We remember him, his legacy and his family. #MalcolmX pic.twitter.com/MILW8GNEsM
— The King Center (@TheKingCenter) May 19, 2019
Happy Birthday to el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, better known as Malcolm X. What I most admire about Malcolm is how he evolved, continuously critiquing his old selves, discarding his old ideas, and processing new ideas and experiences into a new Malcolm. 1/ Painting by Trevor Jenkins. pic.twitter.com/W0dqKmL8Br
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) May 19, 2019
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