mohamed_hassan / Pixabay


Our English Language Learners have enjoyed the Connect With English dramatic video series from Annenberg.  They had great interactives to go along with the videos.  Prior to that online support, we had created our own worksheet that could be used with it (and pretty much any other video, too).  They also produced hard-copy books to go along with the clips.

Annenberg recently discontinued offering the series and the interactives, though you can still see the videos on YouTube.

The series is becoming a bit dated, though, and I’m wondering if readers are aware of any other dramatic video series that have been created specifically for ELLs or, if not created specifically for them, can still work well for language-learning purposes.

The British Council, the BBC, and groups in Australia have created ones, but I’m looking for a series that is more U.S. – oriented.

Please let me know in the comments or on Twitter!  I’ll share what I learn….